The Essentials of Network Security
White Paper
With the current growth of the Internet and e-commerce, networks are becoming increasingly
vulnerable to damaging attacks. At the same time, downtime from networks that carry
critical business applications can result in production losses and directly affect a company’s
bottom line. Computer viruses, denial- of-service (DoS) attacks, vindictive employees, and
human error all present dangers to networks. No individual-whether a noncomputer user,
a casual Internet surfer, or even a large enterprise-is immune to network-security breaches.
With proper planning, however, network security breaches can often be prevented.
This paper provides a general overview of the most common network security threats and
recommends steps you can take to decrease these threats and to mitigate exposure to risks
through active design and prevention.
The Importance of Security
In 1999, the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) reported U.S.$265 million in verifiable
losses due to computer security breaches in U.S. companies. more than double the
losses in 1998. The following survey from the Computer Security Institute (CSI) documents
the scope of the problem.
The CSI team surveyed 538 computer security practitioners in U.S. corporations, government
agencies, financial institutions, medical institutions, and universities, and reported its
results in the 20011 Computer Crime and Security Survey. The goal of this effort is to raise
the level of computer security awareness and to help determine the scope of computer crime
in the United States. The following statistics demonstrate that the threat from computer
crime and other information security breaches continues unabated and that the financial
toll is mounting.
• Thirty-five percent of respondents quantified their financial losses.
• Respondents reported a total of U.S.$377,828,700 in financial losses. In contrast,
the losses from the 249 respondents in the 2000 survey totaled only U.S.$265,589,940.
The average annual total from 1997-1999 was U.S.$120,240,180.
• Eighty-five percent of respondents, primarily large corporations and government
agencies, detected computer security breaches within the last 12 months.
• Sixty-four percent of respondents acknowledged financial losses due to computer
security breaches.
1 The 2001 Computer Crime and Security Survey was conducted by CSI with the participation of the San
Francisco office of the FBI’s Computer Intrusion Squad.
• Forty percent of respondents detected system penetration from outside sources.
Only 25 percent reported this type of system penetration in the 2000 survey.
• Thirty-eight percent of respondents detected DoS attacks. Only 27 percent reported
DoS attacks in the 2000 survey.
• Ninety-one percent of respondents detected employee abuse of Internet access privileges;
for example, downloading pornography or pirated software, or inappropriate use
of e-mail systems. Only 79 percent detected Internet abuse in the 2000 survey.
• Ninety-four percent of respondents detected computer viruses. Only 85 percent detected
them in the 2000 survey.
Real and Imagined Threats from the Internet
The Internet has undoubtedly become the largest public data network in the world, enabling and
facilitating both personal and business communications worldwide. The volume of traffic moving
over the Internet and corporate networks is expanding exponentially every day as mobile workers,
telecommuters, and branch offices use e-mail and the Internet to remotely connect to corporate
networks. Commercial transactions completed over the Internet now account for a significant
percentage of many companies’ revenue.
Widespread use of the Internet has opened the door to an increasing number of security threats. The
consequences of attacks range from inconvenient to debilitating. Important data can be lost, privacy
can be violated, and several hours—or even days—of network downtime can ensue. Gartner Group
expects that by 2003, more than 50 percent of small and midsize enterprises using the Internet for
more than e-mail will experience a successful Internet attack.
The fear of a security breach, however, can be just as debilitating to a business as an actual breach.
General fear and suspicion of computers still exists and with that comes a distrust of the Internet.
This distrust can limit the business opportunities for companies, especially those that are completely
Web-based. Giving credit-card information to a telemarketer over the phone or to a waiter in a
restaurant can be more risky than submitting the information via a Web site. Electronic commerce
transactions are usually protected by security technology, while waiters and telemarketers are not
always monitored or trustworthy. Companies must enact security policies and incorporate safeguards
that are not only effective, but are also perceived as effective.
Government Regulations
To combat abuse, national governments are currently developing laws intended to regulate the vast
flow of electronic information found on the Internet. In an effort to accommodate government regulations,
The network security industry has developed a portfolio of security standards to not only
help to secure data, but also to prove that it is secure. Ultimately, businesses that do not demonstrate
security policies that protect their data will be in breach of these standards.
Threats to Data
As with any type of crime, threats come from a minority of the population. However, while one car thief can steal
only one car at a time, a single hacker working from a basic computer can damage a large number of computer networks
and wreak havoc around the world.
This generic and often glamorized term applies to computer enthusiasts who take pleasure in gaining access to other
people’s computers or networks. Many hackers are content with simply breaking in and leaving evidence of their intrusion;
such evidence might consist of joke applications or messages on computer desktops. Other hackers, often referred
to as “crackers,” are more malicious, crashing entire computer systems, stealing or damaging confidential data, defacing
Web pages, and ultimately disrupting business. Some amateur hackers cause damage by merely locating hacking tools
online and deploying them without much understanding of how they work or their effects.
Most network security experts claim that employees who work inside corporations where breaches have occurred initiate
the majority of network attacks. Employees, through mischief, malice, or mistake, often manage to damage their own
companies’ networks and destroy data. With the recent pervasiveness of remote connectivity technologies, the risk is
even greater. Businesses are expanding to give larger numbers of telecommuters, branch offices, and business partners
access to their networks. These remote employees and partners pose the same threats as internal employees. They
risk creating security breaches, either intentionally or inadvertently. Companies must review their remote-networking
assets to be sure they are properly secured and monitored.
Unaware Staff
Employees often overlook standard network security rules. For example, they might choose passwords that are simple
to remember, to log on to their networks easily. Such passwords might be easy to guess or to crack by hackers using
simple common sense or a widely available password-cracking software utility.
Employees can also cause security breaches by accidentally contracting and spreading computer viruses. Two of the most
common ways to pick up a virus are from a floppy disk or by downloading files from the Internet. Employees who
transport data via floppy disks can inadvertently infect corporate networks with viruses they picked up from computers
in copy centers or libraries, without even knowing the viruses are on their PCs. Employees who download files from
the Internet, including JPEG files, jokes, and executable images, risk infecting corporate networks.
Companies must also be wary of human error. Employees, whether computer novices or computer savvy, can erroneously
install virus protection software or accidentally overlook warnings regarding security threats. Security-conscious companies
take the time to document security policies and educate every employee.
Disgruntled Staff
Far more unsettling than the prospect of employee error causing harm to a network is the potential for an angry or
vengeful staff member to inflict damage. Angry employees, often those who have been reprimanded, fired, or laid off,
might intentionally infect corporate networks with viruses or delete crucial files. This population is especially dangerous
because it is generally far more aware of the network, the value of the information within it, and the location of and
safeguards protecting high-priority information.
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Employees known as “snoops” sometimes partake in corporate espionage, gaining unauthorized
access to confidential data in order to provide competitors with otherwise inaccessible information.
Snoops might be simply satisfying their personal curiosities by accessing private information, such
as financial data, a romantic e-mail correspondence between coworkers, or the salary of a colleague.
Some of these activities are relatively harmless, but others, such as previewing private financial or
human resources data, are far more serious and can be damaging to reputations and cause financial
liability for a company.
Known Security Holes
Individuals or groups who are intent on exploiting a network do not need to create new ways to
attack; they can easily leverage known, published problems. In fact, most issues relating to hacker
attacks are traceable to a small number of well-documented security holes that may be months, if
not years, old. Fixing known security holes can completely prevent these attacks.
For example, SANS Institute known as the System Administration, Networking and Security— found that in 1999, as many as 50 percent of Domain Name System (DNS)
servers were running vulnerable copies of the popular Berkeley Internet Name Domain program,
yet this same warning appears on the SAN’s watch list today, several years later.
A little over a year ago, the SANS Institute and the National Infrastructure Protection Center (NIPC)
released a document summarizing the Ten Most Critical Internet Security Vulnerabilities. Thousands
of organizations used that list to prioritize their efforts so they could close the most dangerous
holes first. This new list, released on October 1, 2001, updates and expands the Top Ten list. Cisco
Systems along with many other credible security teams in the U.S. participated in this research and
is helping to determine what should be on this list. With this new release they have increased the list
to the Top Twenty vulnerabilities, and have segmented it into three categories: General Vulnerabilities,
Windows Vulnerabilities, and Unix Vulnerabilities.
The SANS/FBI Top Twenty list is valuable because the majority of successful attacks on computer
systems via the Internet can be traced to exploitation of security flaws on this list. For instance, system
compromises in the Solar Sunrise Pentagon hacking incident and the easy and rapid spread of the
Code Red and NIMDA worms can be traced to exploitation of unpatched vulnerabilities on this list.
During a briefing at FBI headquarters in July 2001, security expert John Collingwood, FBI Assistant
Director for Public Affairs, stated that the Russian Mafia had infiltrated many businesses in the
former Soviet Union. These types of groups are becoming more sophisticated and are extending their
reach to the United States and other western countries. Collingwood further stated that these hackers
are exploiting unpatched Microsoft Windows NT operating systems through holes that have
been documented and that have had fixable patches since 1998.
Destructive Code
It is easy to pass destructive viruses to an unsuspecting client. Many would-be hackers use this method to spread
problems, expose critical content or put the performance of a network at risk.
Viruses are the most widely known security threats because they often generate extensive press coverage. Viruses are
computer programs designed to replicate themselves and infect computers when triggered by a specific event. For
example, viruses called macro viruses attach themselves to files that contain macro instructions (routines that can be
repeated automatically, such as mail merges) and are activated every time the macro runs. The effects of some viruses
are relatively benign and cause annoying interruptions such as displaying a comical message when striking a certain letter
on the keyboard. Other viruses are more destructive and cause problems such as deleting files from a hard drive or
slowing down a system.
A virus can only infect a network if the virus enters the network through an outside source—most often through an
infected floppy disk or a file downloaded from the Internet. When one computer on the network becomes infected,
the other computers on the network are highly susceptible to contracting the virus.
Trojan Horse Programs
Trojan horse programs, known as “Trojans,” are delivery vehicles for destructive code. Trojans appear to be harmless or
even useful software programs, such as computer games, but are actually enemies in disguise. Trojans can delete data,
mail copies of themselves to e-mail address lists, and open up computers to additional attacks. Trojans can be contracted
only by copying the Trojan horse program to a system via a disk, downloading from the Internet, or opening an e-mail
attachment. Neither Trojans nor viruses can be spread through an e-mail message itself—they are spread only through
e-mail attachments.
A “vandal” is a software application or applet that causes destruction of varying degrees. It can destroy just a single file,
or a major portion of a computer system. Web sites have come alive through the development of software applications
such as ActiveX and Java Applets. These devices enable animation and other special effects to run, making Web sites
more attractive and interactive. However, the ease with which these applications can be downloaded and run has
provided a new vehicle for inflicting damage.
Network Attacks
Network attacks are commonly classified in three general categories: reconnaissance attacks, access attacks, and DoS
Reconnaissance Attacks
Reconnaissance attacks are information-gathering activities by which hackers collect data that is later used to compromise
networks. Usually software tools such as sniffers and scanners are used to map out network resources and exploit
potential weaknesses in targeted networks, hosts, and applications. For example, software exists that is specifically
designed to crack passwords. This software was created for network administrators to assist employees who have forgotten
their passwords or to determine the passwords of employees who have left the company without disclosing
their passwords. Placed in the wrong hands, however, this software can become a dangerous weapon.
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Access Attacks
Access attacks are conducted to exploit vulnerabilities in network areas such as authentication
services and File Transfer Protocol (FTP) functionality. Access attacks are used to gain entry into
e-mail accounts, databases, and other sources of confidential information.
Denial of Service Attacks
DoS attacks prevent access to part or all of a computer system. DoS attacks are usually achieved
by sending large amounts of jumbled or otherwise unmanageable data to a machine that is connected
to a corporate network or the Internet, blocking legitimate traffic from getting through. Even more
malicious is a distributed denial of service attack (DDoS), in which the attacker compromises
multiple machines or hosts.
In its May 24, 2001 newsletter, ISP World News reported on a study, conducted by Asta Networks
and the University of California, San Diego, that assessed the number of DoS attacks in the world
and characterized DoS attack behavior. According to the study, attacks range from large Internet
companies—such as AOL, Akamai, and—to small ISPs that serve small to medium-sized
businesses. The study showed that a significant percentage of attacks are directed against network
infrastructure components, including domain-name servers and routers.
The following are some of the findings from the Asta study:
• DoS attacks can range from minutes to several days; most attacks are short in duration,
less than 10 minutes to less than 1 hour
• No country is immune; Web sites in Romania were hit as frequently as .net and .com sites;
Brazil was targeted more than .edu and .org sites combined; targets in Canada, Germany,
the UK, Belgium, Switzerland, New Zealand, and China were all compromised
• Most targets are attacked multiple times, as high as 70 to 100 times per incident
Data Interception
Data transmitted via any type of network can be subject to interception by unauthorized parties.
The perpetrators might eavesdrop on communications or alter the data packets being transmitted.
Perpetrators can use various methods to intercept the data. IP spoofing, for example, entails posing
as an authorized party in the data transmission by using the Internet Protocol (IP) address of one
of the data recipients.
Social Engineering
Social engineering, in this context, is the increasingly prevalent act of obtaining confidential network
security information through non-technical means. For example, a social engineer might pose as a
technical-support representative and make calls to employees to gather password information.
Other examples of social engineering include bribing a coworker to gain access to a server or
searching a colleague’s office to find a password that has been written in a hidden spot.
Unsolicited Mail
Spam is the commonly used term for unsolicited e-mail or the action of broadcasting unsolicited advertising messages
via e-mail. Spam is usually harmless, but it can be a nuisance, taking up the recipient’s time, costing company money
in wasted human-resource time, and compromising network storage space allotted for business use.
Security Tools
No matter what tools and gadgets you purchase to help secure your network, whether it is expensive, sophisticated
software, a secure firewall, or an intrusion detection system (IDS), you cannot overlook the damage that can be created
by human error. Technology and networks are prone to human failure. How do you best protect your networks from
the humans needed to manage them?
People-security and technical-security are often treated separately, yet both must be considered in putting together your
corporate strategy. For example, does your network know if a user tries to log on in two separate locations at the same
time? This would be a clear indication that something may be compromised. Can an employee who forgot to log off
in the office access the network from home or from someone else’s machine? Can a technically savvy user bypass or
remove anti-virus software without being detected? Whether these events are malicious or errant policy, the results
are the same: improper security implementation.
More and more companies are using highly sophisticated technologies to track employees and increase security. To
have a truly secure environment and reduce your security risk, you must know where your users are, electronically
and physically, and whether they are following defined security policy.
For example, biometric security systems that verify a person’s identity by scanning fingers, hands, faces or eyes are
predicted to grow from revenues of U.S.$228 million in 2000 to more than U.S.$520 million by 2005. This growth is
coming primarily from government entities in the law enforcement arena, but large enterprise companies are starting
to show interest in using it as well.
Magnetic-Strip Systems
Less expensive, but still quite effective, are magnetic-strip authentication systems. These systems allow users to access
buildings or physical company resources, and can track if a person is in one building while their computer is being
accessed simultaneously from a different location. Magnetic-strip systems can limit access to vaults, network operations
centers (NOCs), partner locations, or corporate virtual private networks (VPNs).
Security Staff
Your IT staff may not be the best people to put in charge of security, since they are usually the people who build the
infrastructure and it is difficult to audit your own work. The design and development engineers and the daily operations
people may feel that they have “designed in” best solutions, and may feel that discovering flaws in their own designs
reflects negatively on their reputations. The skills to understand the requirements of keeping a network secure are unique
and time consuming. Additionally, the complexities of network security and network operations are vast. Today’s
infrastructure and potential risks are much too complicated to be someone’s part-time responsibility. The complexity
of network-security technologies and how hackers can exploit them must be thoroughly understood in order to develop
a strong defense. This task takes a significant amount of specific knowledge that the normal operations staff simply
do not have. It is recommended that you hire qualified and dedicated security staff armed with sophisticated hardware
and software tools and complement these resources with the services of an outside security specialist.
White Paper
Security Processes
To be effective, security processes must be comprehensive and well communicated to your entire
organization’s network of users. General security policy and procedures define an overall framework
for security and provide the security teams with leverage to enforce security measures. After
the potential sources of threats and the types of damage that can occur have been identified, putting
the proper security policies and safeguards in place becomes much easier. Organizations have an
extensive choice of technologies, ranging from antivirus software packages to dedicated networksecurity
hardware such as firewalls and IDSs to provide protection for all areas of the network.
Be sure to consider all types of users on the network. Diversity of users on the network makes the
task of network security more complicated. Outside access is normally necessary for employees on
the road, vendors, and customers. While most users dial in to the corporate network, some gain
access via the Internet. This scenario leaves potential entry points for hackers and other individuals
to enter the network for illegitimate purposes. Good security processes must be in place to make
sure that entry points are closely controlled for authorized access only. Procedures that can quickly
and completely prohibit an individual’s network access upon termination must also be established,
and integrated with departments such as Human Resources.
A good security process should also employ an IDS that can alert network security if an attack or
unauthorized access is in progress. The complexity of the network and the sophistication of hackers
can present considerable challenges. Given enough time and attempts, a good hacker can find
entry points into a network. Intrusion detection helps eliminate this risk by enabling network security
to take immediate preventive action.
7 Is the number of Red Hat 6.2 servers that were attacked within three
days of connecting to the Internet?
24 hours Is the time elapsed before a Windows 98 system, deployed Oct 31,
2000, was compromised?
525 Is the number of unique Net Bios scans recorded in a 30-day period?
1398 Is the number of intrusion alerts recorded in February 2001
(an 890% increase from the previous year)?
Did you know that:
Table 1
Facts and Figures*
* Source:
Many companies are implementing a new concept in dealing with would-be hackers called “honeypots” or “honeynets.”
Honeypots are tempting targets installed on the network with the sole intention of attracting hackers to them and
keeping them occupied and away from valuable corporate resources. These machines appear to be normal, functional
hosts but actually do not have legitimate users or network traffic. They exist for the sole purpose of being a false target
aimed at uncovering the attackers’ tracks. An alarm on a honeypot is a clear indication that something is happening.
Hackers can hide in legitimate network traffic and masquerade as common anomalies and errors. By hiding in what
looks like normal network traffic or creating what looks like a typical network issue that self-corrects as traffic adjusts,
the hacker can creep in stealthily and create a major attack. It is not uncommon for the network administrator to see
slight abnormalities and ignore these common errors. Some network administrators will go as far as to turn off the
alarms set up in IDS systems to track these types of issues thus leaving the network even more exposed.
Honeypots are excellent at ferreting out internal hackers as well. Technically savvy internal users can often work around
IDSs, but have no way of knowing that the honeypots exist. Honeypots are exceptionally effective in collecting detailed
information about an attack once it is detected, documenting forensic data that can prove invaluable in the case of
legal action.
There are two kinds of honeypots, the sacrifice box and the service simulator. The sacrifice box consists of a fully
functioning operating system with a suite of applications to busy the hacker while recording activity and limiting
access to other network resources. The sacrifice box is an attractive and convincing target for hackers. This device is
placed in a production environment, behind a firewall, and modified to allow inbound traffic while filtering outbound
traffic. The service simulator is a software application that watches for inbound traffic and mimics the applications
that are actually functioning on the server. Service simulators are much cheaper to deploy and are designed to limit
access only. The service simulator approach is much easier for a savvy hacker to detect, and normally will not hold
an attacker’s attention for very long. Information gathering is also more limited in this approach. If all your network
needs is a smart burglar alarm, the service simulator is a cost-effective approach. Networks requiring a more comprehensive
system because of the nature of the network or data should consider deploying a sacrifice-box honeypot or
even a honeynet (multiple honeypots throughout the network).
After such solutions are installed, tools can be deployed that periodically detect security vulnerabilities in the network,
providing ongoing proactive security. In addition, professional network security consultants can be engaged to help
design the proper security solution for the network or to ensure that the existing security solution is up to date and
safe. With all the options currently available, it is possible to implement a security infrastructure that allows sufficient
protection without severely compromising the need for quick and easy access to information.
Virus Protection Software
Virus protection software is packaged with most computers and can counter many virus threats if the software is
regularly updated and correctly maintained. The anti-virus industry relies on a vast network of users to provide early
warnings of new viruses so that antidotes can be developed and distributed quickly. With thousands of new viruses
being generated every month, it is essential that the virus database is kept up to date. The virus database is the record
held by the antivirus package that helps it to identify known viruses when they attempt to strike.
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Reputable antivirus software vendors publish the latest antidotes on their Web sites and the software
can prompt users to periodically collect new data. Network-security policy should stipulate that all
computers on the network are kept up to date and, ideally, are all protected by the same antivirus
package—if only to keep maintenance and update costs to a minimum. It is also essential to update
the software itself on a regular basis. Virus authors often make getting past the antivirus packages
their first priority.
Many software companies are looking to form alliances with companies that specialize in security—
Microsoft with VeriSign Secure, for example. These security alliances will help push a wider adoption
of basic security packages in the home. However, alliances such as these can also have disadvantages.
Although beneficial to the average user, the concern from a vendor’s point of view is the establishment
of a de facto standard on security.
Security Policies
When setting up a network, whether it is a LAN, virtual LAN (VLAN), or WAN, it is important to
initially set the fundamental security policies. Security policies are rules that are electronically programmed
and stored within security equipment to control areas such as access privileges. Security
policies are also written or verbal regulations by which an organization operates. You must decide
who is responsible for enforcing and managing these policies, and determine how employees are
informed of them.
What Are the Policies?
Policies should control who has access to which areas of the network and how unauthorized users
are prevented from entering restricted areas. For example, only members of a human resources
department should have access to employee salary histories. Passwords usually prevent employees
from entering restricted areas, but only if the passwords remain private. Written policies, even as
basic as warning employees against posting their passwords in work areas, can often preempt
security breaches. Customers or suppliers with access to certain parts of the network must be
adequately regulated by the policies as well.
Who Will Enforce and Manage the Policies?
The individual or group of people that polices and maintains the network and its security must have
access to every area of the network. Therefore, the security policy management function should be
assigned to people who are extremely trustworthy and have the technical competence required. As
noted earlier, the majority of network security breaches come from within, so this person or group
must not be a potential threat. Once assigned, network managers can take advantage of sophisticated
software tools that can help define, distribute, enforce, and audit security policies through browserbased
How Will You Communicate the Policies?
Policies are essentially useless if all of the involved parties do not know and understand them. It
is vital to have effective mechanisms in place for communicating existing policies, policy changes, new policies, and
security alerts regarding impending viruses or attacks.
Identity Technologies
Once your policies are set, identity methods and technologies must be employed to help positively authenticate and
verify users and their access privileges.
Making sure that certain areas of the network are password-protected—accessible only by those with particular
passwords—is the simplest and most common way to ensure that only those who have permission can enter a particular
part of the network. In the physical-security analogy above, passwords are analogous to badge-access cards. However,
the most powerful network-security infrastructures are virtually ineffective if people do not protect their passwords.
Many users choose easily remembered numbers or words as passwords, such as birthdays, phone numbers, or pets’
names, while others never change their passwords and are not very careful about keeping them secret. The guidelines,
or policies, for passwords are:
• Change passwords regularly
• Make passwords as meaningless as possible
• Never divulge passwords to anyone until leaving the company
In the future, some passwords may be replaced by biometric security systems, as described in an earlier section.
Digital Certificates
Digital certificates or public-key certificates are the electronic equivalents of driver’s licenses or passports and are issued
by designated certificate authorities. Digital certificates are most often used for identification when establishing secure
tunnels through the Internet, such as VPNs.
Access Control
Before a user gains access to the network with a password, the network must evaluate if the password is valid. Accesscontrol
servers validate the user’s identity and determine which areas or information the user can access based on stored
user profiles. In the physical-security analogy, access-control servers are equivalent to the gatekeeper who oversees the
use of the access card.
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A firewall is a hardware or software solution implemented within the network infrastructure that
contains a set of programs designed to enforce an organization’s security policies by restricting
access to specific network resources. In the physical-security analogy, a firewall is the equivalent to
a door lock on a perimeter door, or on a door to a room inside of the building. It permits only
authorized users, such as those with a key or access card, to enter. Firewall technology is even
available in versions suitable for home use. The firewall creates a protective layer between the network
and the outside world. In effect, the firewall replicates the network at the point of entry so
that it can receive and transmit authorized data without significant delay. However, it has built-in
filters that can disallow unauthorized or potentially dangerous material from entering the real system.
It also logs an attempted intrusion and reports it to the network administrators.
Firewalls should be configured to block Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) pings that
originate externally and tunnel through in that protocol’s echo reply, or outgoing ICMP pings, to
avoid unnecessary risk to a distributed DoS attack.
The FBI reported in 1999 a verifiable loss of U.S.$256 million dollars due to computer security
breaches. Gartner Group expects that by 2003 more than 50 percent of small and midsized enterprises
using the Internet for e-mail will experience a successful, damaging attack, yet these midsized
companies resist implementing even the most basic of security measures—namely a firewall.
Figure 1
Firewall Configuration
Change Management
Change management is a set of procedures that are developed by the network operations staff and
adhered to whenever changes are made to a network. Companies that implement a software-based
change management system are able to provided NOC technicians with valuable troubleshooting
data about the change and react more efficiently to issues when needed.
Change management is often overlooked as a security tool. Most companies, when focused on
security, focus on the servers; yet routers make up the backbone of the network infrastructure and
are accessible over the entire network. For example, consider a router problem in January 2001
that occurred at Microsoft. It took Microsoft 22 hours to track down the problem and fix it.
The initial problem was caused when a network technician changed the router configuration from Microsoft’s network
border to the internal network that housed all four of its DNS servers. Packets could still reach the DNS servers, and
Microsoft’s internal network still worked properly. Web traffic could not reach Microsoft’s networks via the DNS servers,
but could reach the servers directly by requesting access using the exact IP address assigned to the site they were trying
to access. (Typically, access is configured via domain names, masking the actual IP address being used.) As a result,
outside traffic could not gain access to resources requested in this fashion.
Microsoft made two key errors. The first was that it did not apply controlled change management processes. Had the
technician used a documented change management procedure, Microsoft technicians would have been able to quickly
resort to the previous router configurations and restore service quickly. Hackers immediately capitalized on the problem
and used this vulnerable time to hit Microsoft’s network with DoS attacks.
Secondly, the Microsoft network did not have system-engineered security designed in. All of the public DNS servers
were on the same subnet. Hackers immediately discovered this situation by using a simple tool, and then capitalized
on Microsoft’s vulnerability by attacking the network with DoS attacks. The DoS attacks were solved when additional
name servers were applied to the network. Had this configuration been part of the initial design, the exposure would
have been significantly reduced.
Changes should be made to the network by adhering to proper change-ticket or emergency change-ticket procedures,
followed by immediate update of associated documentation. Companies that implement a software-based change
management system are able to provide NOC technicians with valuable troubleshooting data.
Encryption technology ensures that messages cannot be intercepted or read by anyone other than the authorized recipient.
Encryption is usually deployed to protect data that is transported over a public network and uses advanced mathematical
algorithms to “scramble” messages and their attachments.
Encryption provides the security necessary to sustain the increasingly popular VPN technology. VPNs are private connections,
or tunnels, over public networks such as the Internet. They are deployed to connect telecommuters, mobile workers,
branch offices, and business partners to corporate networks or to each other. All VPN hardware and software devices
support advanced encryption technology to provide the utmost protection for the data that they transport.
Several types of encryption algorithms exist, but some are more secure than others. The U.S. government this year has
replaced the current data encryption standard, Triple DES, with AES. AES is fundamentally more secure than previous
methodologies. The National Institute of Standards (NIST) created a task force to develop this new standard and to
focus on areas such as improving mobility by reducing the number of passes from three to one per scan. Scanning a
single piece of data three times may create a process that is relatively hard to break; but this solution is also CPUintensive
and cumbersome to available computing power.
With the rise in the use of the Internet and devices such as cellular phones and personal digital assistants (PDAs), the
need to communicate securely will increase, but these smaller devices require a different approach to encryption,
demanding a smaller footprint that uses fewer resources.
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The NIST selected a research team to focus on the issue of effective encryption. This team is currently
writing a formal standard where AES seems to be the solution of the future. Mathematically
solid, AES requires only one pass to encrypt data and is designed to be fast, making it significantly
more efficient. The biggest benefit to companies who plan to use AES is that the standardization
will reduce cost, increase compatibility, and allow for more innovation in taking on this more
robust security protocol and integrating the smaller, faster footprint onto new technologies.
Cisco released a paper in February 2001 stating its position to support AES, although this support
won’t be widely implemented until AES moves through the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF).
For VPNs, the IETF needs to specify how AES should be implemented within the IP security standard
to maintain compatibility with multivendor networks.
The table below shows the differences in the two approaches to encryption.
Intrusion Detection Systems
Organizations continue to deploy firewalls as their central gatekeepers to prevent unauthorized users
from entering their networks. However, no single technology serves all needs. Organizations are
increasingly looking to intrusion detection systems (IDSs) to counter the risk and vulnerability that
firewalls alone cannot address. An IDS provides around-the-clock network surveillance and analyzes
packet-data streams within a network, searching for unauthorized activity—such as attacks
by hackers—and enabling users to respond to security breaches before systems are compromised.
When unauthorized activity is detected, an IDS can send alarms to a management console with
details of the activity and can often order other systems, such as routers, to cut off the unauthorized
sessions. In the physical security analogy, an IDS is equivalent to a video camera and motion
sensor; detecting unauthorized or suspicious activity and working with automated response systems,
such as watchguards, to stop the activity.
Type of algorithm Symmetric, Symmetric,
block cipher feistel cipher
Key size (in bits) 128, 192, 256 112, 168
Speed High Low
Time to crack (assuming 149 trillion years 4.6 billion years
a machine could try 255
keys per second)
Resource consumption Low Medium
NIST standard N/A FIPS 46-3
Table 2
AES versus Triple DES*
* Source: Network World, July 30, 2001
Service Provider Business Focus Service Area
There are two general types of IDSs: host-based and network-based. Host-based systems are installed on the server or
desktop and protect and monitor log files for certain events or key changes. Many host-based IDSs are hybrid and also
monitor network traffic sent to the host where they are installed. Network-based IDSs (NIDSs) sniff network traffic
using a system called a sensor. The sensor collects all packets and evaluates both the network headers and data and
looks for signs of misuse or a data pattern that matches a known attack. Some sensors go further by attempting to
match traffic with correct Layer 4 and Layer 7 protocols.
Deploying an IDS requires many support and design considerations. Your network administrators and security teams must
have procedures that outline how to handle an IDS and what needs to be considered when launching new programs (does
the IDS auto-find network changes, for example). Look for an IDS that provides detailed information, not terse logs.
You need to get information about what the alert means, if it is a real event, and how to patch it.
Network Scanning
Network scanners conduct detailed analyses of network systems to compile an electronic inventory of the assets and
detect vulnerabilities that could result in a security compromise. This technology allows network managers to identify
and fix security weaknesses before intruders can exploit them. In the physical security analogy, scanning is like conducting
a periodic building walk-through to ensure that doors are locked and windows are closed. Scanning helps to evaluate
and understand risk, thereby allowing corrective action to be taken.
While electronic scanning tools can be very thorough in detecting network-security vulnerabilities, they may be complemented
by a security assessment from professional security consultants. A security assessment is a concentrated analysis
of the security posture of a network, highlighting security weaknesses or vulnerabilities that need to be improved.
Periodic assessments are helpful in ensuring that, in the midst of frequent changes in a network, the security posture
of the network is not weakened. In the physical security analogy, a periodic security assessment such as scanning is like
a guard periodically patrolling an entire secure area. The tools are only half the solution; specialized expertise is needed
to fully understand the secure status of the network. Without a solid security team to help keep watch over the corporate
network, a company can easily miss important security issues, be overwhelmed in trying to understand the larger
impact a vulnerability may cause on their business. This lack of expertise, not having the knowledge or ability to act
on the threats can result in significant productivity loss as well as compromising confidential corporate information.
White Paper
Managed Security Services
Learning all the options for securing your network and keeping one step ahead of the threats can be
time consuming and expensive for companies. One option is to turn to security intelligence professionals
to help you identify internal and external risks.
Conceptually, Internet-security intelligence services are modeled after government military intelligencegathering
apparatus. Many security service firms are started by ex-military security personnel who
are finding that few IT teams really understand the complete security picture and are prepared to
deal with its unique challenges.
Avasta, Inc. Small, medium, large businesses United States
Broadwing, Inc. Small, medium, large businesses United States
Service providers
Cervalis Small, medium, large businesses United States
EXENET Technologies Small, medium, large businesses Partial United States
Service providers
Exodus Small, medium, large businesses Canada, Japan,
Consumers United Kingdom,
Service providers United States
Genuity Large businesses United States
Inflow, Inc. Small, medium, large businesses United States
Service providers
Pointshare Large businesses Partial United States
SBC Small, medium, large businesses Partial United States
Service providers
Sprint Small, medium, large businesses Canada, United States
Service providers
XO Communications Large businesses Partial United States
Service Provider Business Focus Service Area
Table 3
Cisco Powered Network Managed Security Providers
Security intelligence services are different from managed-security services, which take operational responsibility for
securing a customer Web site or network. The resources (time and money) needed to hire specialized security combined
with the cost of the infrastructure and resources to manage the security on a 24x7x365 basis—hackers never
sleep—can be debilitating to a normal IT budget. By purchasing a managed security service from a trusted service
provider, companies can save on resources while employing leading-edge security techniques.
Managed-security services range from simple firewall deployment and management to full-blown vulnerability assessments
that include looking for intrusion detection to virus protection. The best-managed security service companies
offer a wide range of services.
Typical Services from a Security Service Provider
Network Monitoring 24x7x365
Security service providers should operate multiple network-monitoring centers that are staffed around the clock by
experienced security engineers to monitor all aspects of network security for each of their customers.
Firewall Configuration/Installation Support
Service providers should perform firewall configuration and installment at the customer’s site and then remotely
manage one or more firewalls via the Internet using a VPN connection.
Vulnerability Assessments
Service providers should recommend performing a comprehensive assessment of the company’s network before and
after installation of security solutions. Additionally, a company should repeat the assessment every six months to
ensure that the networks do not show new weakness.
White Paper
Firewall purchase $4995 0
Installation expense $1200 399
Hardware and software $1500 0
Vulnerability assessments $1800 0
SubTotal $9495 $399
Management Costs
Firewall management/monthly 4 hours 0 hour
Monthly costs @ 150.00/hour $600 $499
Yearly management costs $7200 $5988
Total fixed-year cost $16,695 $6387
Table 4
Outsourced versus In-House Security
Hardware and Software In-House (U.S.$) Outsourced
Monthly Usage/Trend Reporting
Service providers should provide detailed, confidential summary reports so that their customers
can actively track network activities, determine a normal baseline, and uncover security issues.
The baseline is especially useful in helping to define security policies.
Web Site Filtering
As an option, the service providers should enable companies to block Web access to certain
types of traffic and schedule appropriate Web access times.
Virus Protection
Service providers should offer virus protection services to stop the spread of viruses and other
malicious content at the Internet gateway.
Technical Training and Support
Many service providers offer technical training and awareness seminars, and help establish
policies and procedures to keep their customers’ networks secure and their staff aware.
The above list is not comprehensive. Each provider offers a unique approach to its security
services. Networks vary, so when looking for managed-security services, look to a provider
that offers a full range of services. Make sure that the provider has adequate staff and understands
your company’s unique situation. Start with a secure design for your infrastructure
and recommendations for suitable policies that support the recommended design. Choose a
provider that is flexible and that won’t unnecessarily disrupt your network during peak times.
Finally, make sure that the provider offers best-of-breed software and hardware and has the
educated staff to ensure full operability.
Cyber-insurance is a new concept for companies that want to insure against the losses that can
occur in a security breach. More and more companies are being held liable when unauthorized
access to customer data occurs. Offered by companies such as American International Group,
Lloyds of London, and The St. Paul Companies, cyber-insurance protection could eventually
could become commonplace. For now, companies are struggling with how to quantify how
much financial loss is possible due to security violations. There are little or no precedents. Many
factors need to be considered when determining the risk, from company size to the nature of
business transactions. Prices for cyber-insurance can vary from thousands to millions of dollars
per network. If someone is using credit cards to do business with you and you don’t take due
diligence to protect that data, you can be held accountable.
You have scoured your network from end to end, found the holes, read the reports, and applied the patches. Your network
is secure, at least until some savvy hacker invents a new way to slip packets through your firewalls. Vulnerability
scanning and network security are not one-time fixes. Industrious hackers will find ways to breach all that you have
built and to exploit your valuable assets wherever possible.
Networks are not static. Software and hardware must be constantly updated and new employees must be hired. The
overall network design, the frequency of your security scans, and the policies and procedures you have in place must
be reviewed regularly, along with special attention to more sensitive or at-risk areas of your network. By using multiple
forms of protection and educating your staff and network users to maintain high security standards and report
all questionable activities to the appropriate security support teams, you can provide a secure working environment
for your company and a stable place where customers will feel comfortable doing business.
As time passes, new technologies will be developed to further improve the efficiency of business and communications
and improve network security. If you stay abreast of emerging security technologies, and the latest security threats and
dangers, the benefits of running your business applications over networks will most certainly outweigh the risks.
A secure network requires a dedication to protecting corporate resources. Companies must be prepared with the best
tools, stringent procedures, and competent staff who are focused on the security of the network.
For More Information
For further information on network security and how Cisco products and technologies help customers address security
problems and take advantage of the many benefits networks have to provide, visit:
Other Useful Sites
• For more information about encryption using AES:
• For a list of the top 10 security threats:
• For more information on the CSI/FBI report:
• To see the top 20 most critical networking vulnerabilities, go to
• IDS resources:
• Asta Resources
Newsfront: July 16, 2001,
Communications News: September 2000
The Industry Standard: July 23, 2001 (aye for an Eye)
• For more information on AES Encryption:
White Paper
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White Paper
Hacker Web Sites
• Cult of the Dead Cow were the developers of BackOrifice:
• Kevin Mitnick supporters:
• Chaos Computer Club, German/English:
• Site that provides info on what operating system a site is running:
• Site that hosts registration and info for the annual hackers’ convention:
• Hackers Hall of Fame:
• E-mail anonymizers and remailers:
• Interesting tidbits:
• Tools:
• Tools and more:
* Ch.1 Before You Start
* Ch.2 How to Build a Business Plan
* Ch.3 Pricing Internet Services
* Ch.4 Day-to-Day Operations
* Ch.5 Make the Most of Your Equipment
* Ch.6 Manage a Sales Team
* Ch.7 Manage a Tech Team
* Ch.8 Serving Your Customers
* Ch.9 Marketing Internet Services
* Ch.10 Growing Your ISP
* Ch.11 What is it Worth?
* Ch.12 Exit Strategy
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